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We are the sum of all our parts - and some of them ain’t pretty!

My life is an eclectic mix of so many experiences, influences, and events. I have worked in many fields, I have lived in two countries (divided by a single language!), I have family members who have made tremendous sacrifices for King/Queen and country and others who have been in and out of jail. I have ancestors who fled the potato famine in Ireland, and other family members who have experienced first hand things that I only read about in books. I was blessed with parents who were smart, curious, and broadminded, but were also traumatized by the Blitz, rationing, evacuation, and loss as well hampered by limited resources. They struggled with depression and anxiety (Mum) and OCD and anxiety (Dad). And yet they forged an uncommon path, becoming the first people in their family to go to university. I witnessed 911 from the 28th floor of a midtown building in Manhattan. I have weathered divorce, remarried and adopted two adult children. I have listened in awe to great musical performances, stared in awe at great and thought-provoking art and science, and I have held my head in horror at the atrocities that humans inflict on each other and, almost worse, upon the other inhabitants of this planet.

And then I see this just down the road from where I live:

Or these goofballs see a squirrel through the window

And, with all this and much more, I find my perspective on life encapsulated by the following quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald.

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.

But it is also encapsulated in the movie V for Vendetta or the book the Upside of Your Dark Side.

Some of you know that Hope, Strengths, Bravery and Curiosity are my go-to themes but I, with the help of my team and my network, dig into other topics too such as confirmation bias, psychological safety and even from time to time, politics!

I am called to help create positive change in the world. Change is inevitable and at the same time entirely manageable with the right people in your corner!

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Your guide to taking on the challenge of change - with energy and enthusiasm, science and strengths


Coach-Challenger View: The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time & still retain the ability to function… things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise. F.Scott Fitzgerald